我們將線上的團隊解謎遊戲,轉化到線下的實境體驗中。只需要一部手機,任何場地都能變成一個解謎現場。團隊成員們可以面對面合作,共同破解謎題,增進彼此之間的默契與感情。Team Unlock+為團隊建立了一個全新的互動模式。我們透過線上線下結合的創新方法,讓參與者體驗到前所未有的解謎樂趣。無論是在辦公室、大型場地還是其他任何場合,大家都能隨時隨地投入到Team Unlock+的世界中。
歡迎企業、學校或機構組團參與! 立即報妥資料,索取活動單張。
We have transformed the online team puzzle-solving experience into an immersive real-world activity. With just a mobile device, any location can become a puzzle-solving scene. Team members can collaborate face-to-face, working together to solve the challenges and strengthen their bond.
Team Unlock+ has created a brand-new interactive platform for teams. By blending online and offline elements, we have introduced an innovative approach that allows participants to experience puzzle-solving like never before. Whether in the office, a large venue, or any other setting, everyone can dive into the world of Team Unlock+ anytime, anywhere.Businesses, schools, or organizations are welcome to join!
Fill out the form below to get the activity details now.
日日都要用Zoom,人際關係變得「這麼近,那麼遠」,是時候來一次創新破格的Team Building活動,用Zoom都可以玩到的「密室逃脫」遊戲!
Using Zoom for meetings is almost a must during the covid-19 pandemic, as well as becoming a part of our everyday lives.
Our interpersonal connections have become "so close yet so far away". So, it’s time to attempt an innovative Team Building activity!
Go playing this exciting room escape game with Zoom!
Vol 4 消失的名畫 The Missing Masterpiece
80mins | 邏輯推理 Logical Reasoning | 創意解難 Problem Solving
Unravel the mystery of a missing painting worth 30 million dollars in compensation - was it an insurance fraud or something else? The investigation team will go to the auction house to get to the bottom of it.
This new story is filled with clues hidden in centuries-old paintings and collections, perfect for those who love solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries.
Vol 3 端午尋人記 Tuen Ng Wanted!
60mins | 團隊合作 Teamwork | 圖像空間 Spatial Imagination
The dragon boat team has to report within 60 minutes, but coach Chan is still missing! Can they get help from villagers and find the coach before the dragon boat race successfully?
The novel and puzzling challenge of "8-second cooperative sticky rice dumpling wrapping" has stumped many participants. Can you pass it?
English Version: 🎬 https://youtu.be/cSnI4FQfRQ8
Vol 2 Vaccine Lab 疫苗研究所
75mins | 數學推理 Maths Reasoning | 圖像空間 Spatial Imagination
Professor Kim has successfully formulated a vaccine to combat the mysterious new virus that is sweeping the globe, but he has suddenly gone missing.
The plane is about to take off, but Professor Kim has not yet been found. How can we get the vaccine sample in this laboratory with a lot of equipment?
English Version: 🎬 https://youtu.be/2l5SdatbomI
Vol 1 辦公室奇遇記 Lost in the Office
60mins | 文字推理 Verbal Reasoning | 數學推理Maths Reasoning
What was supposed to be a job interview has become a room escape challenge, and strangely being locked in the room with other applicants! It's time to embark on the journey to get out!
Unlock the secret code and solve all the puzzles inside the office to leave the room!
English Version: 🎬 https://youtu.be/XQTPv7jKh3M
透過 Zoom或其他視像會議軟件,讓團隊投入一次虛擬的冒險經歷,挑戰參加者合作、創意解難等,
Launch yourself into a virtual adventure with Zoom, or any other video conferencing app! Test your teamwork and problem solving skills as you are required to solve the puzzles. Work together in teams to beat the clock and escape!
Our team of professionals has created unique content which can be tailored to the participant's abilities, perfect for everyone! With experienced guides by their side, participants will work together to unlock their full potential!
Now, form an escape squad! Unity is another important element in this challenge through working together and getting help from your teammates, as well as improving your own problem-solving skills or other abilities including words, images, numbers, and even sound processing in 60 minutes.
Now, form an escape squad! Unity is another important element in this challenge through working together and getting help from your teammates, as well as improving your own problem-solving skills or other abilities including words, images, numbers, and even sound processing in 60 minutes.
逃出後,參加者以及至導師們都流露出各式各樣的表情,在遊戲中到底是甚麼狀況?你又能否完成這 60 分鐘的極限挑戰?馬上組織一次屬於你們的「虛擬密室逃出」專場,試一次最難忘、最具挑戰性的線上活動吧!
After escaping, participants and facilitators both show a variety of emotions - what kind of situation are they facing in the game? What will happen if you join this 60-minutes extreme challenge? Can you complete the mission? Don't hesitate and just try now!
Team Unlock! 於2020年面世,是 Master Edutainment 原創的線上解謎活動,可讓身處任何地方的參加者在Zoom (或任何網上會議) 一同參與的團隊合作活動。
Team Unlock!, an original virtual room escape game created by Master Edutainment, launched in 2020 and allows participants from anywhere to collaborate in teams via Zoom (or any other video conferencing app.
For more information or make an appointment for a 10min demo session
歡迎與我們的活動專家 Kary 直接聯絡(按此預約時間),可安排電話或Zoom會議,與你詳細解釋活動內容。
或以電郵 master@edutainment.hk 或電話 3702 0133 直接與我們聯絡!
Reach out to our event specialist Kary directly by (clicking here) to arrange a phone call or a Zoom meeting and explain the activity details in depth. Alternatively, you can contact us directly via email at master@edutainment.hk or by phone at 3702 0133!