Master Edutainment最新推出原創解謎活動「Team Unlock+」!
Master Edutainment is proud to present the latest original puzzle-solving activity, "Team Unlock+!" With just a smartphone, you can embark on a journey between reality and virtual worlds, searching for treasures and solving puzzles with your teammates. Collaborate to unravel all the mysteries!
Companies, schools, and organizations are welcome to join! Feel free to request event brochures or contact us for more information.
For more information
歡迎與我們的活動專家 Jason 直接聯絡(按此預約時間),可安排電話或Zoom會議,與你詳細解釋活動內容。
或以電郵 / WhatsApp 9547 5947 / 電話 3702 0133 直接與我們聯絡!
Reach out to our event specialist Jason directly by (clicking here) to arrange a phone call or a Zoom meeting and explain the activity details in depth. Alternatively, you can contact us directly via email at / WhatsApp 9547 5947 / by phone at 3702 0133!
第一代Team Unlock! 於2020年面世,是 Master Edutainment 原創線上解謎活動,可讓身處任何地方的參加者在Zoom (或任何網上會議) 一同參與的團隊合作活動。
The first version "Team Unlock!", an original virtual room escape game created by Master Edutainment, launched in 2020 and allows participants from anywhere to collaborate in teams via Zoom (or any other video conferencing app.